House in Order

Only six weeks until I leave for the Camino del Norte, and it’s been a marathon race to have projects under belt and house in order before departure.

Thankful to have family support and a strong team to keep things moving, but also no room for lagging on my part to have pieces in place before placing it all in God’s hands and disconnecting for a spell.

The Camino has been a good exercise for me to periodically refresh matters of governance and succession… to get the house in order in such a way to yield my role to another someday.

For me it’s a healthy means of letting go of the reigns of a business which can in some ways become a “thorny idol” to me… grasping too tightly to an injurious level at times.

Hoping to leave a clear path and nice runway for folks to do well in my absence, and also looking forward to getting back to things, with renewed vigor and perspective.